Monday, April 15, 2013

Election Results

Last night the results of the election came out; they were released late so I went straight to bed afterwards. Polls closed at 6 and it was originally thought that by 9 we'd have results, but they were not released until much later. Maduro (Chavez successor) won with 50.7% of the votes. Caprilles has called for a recount, but it is unlikely that it will change the results. There have been many accusations of unfair activity such as the creation of fake ids that allowed Maduro supporters to vote twice. For those of you who don't know what's going on here here is what life has been like and who this man is...

Problems Venezuela has faced in the short nine months I've been here:

  • Frequent power outages
  • Shortages of everything and anything from milk to chicken to flour to toilet paper
  • A crashing economy and official devaluation of the bolivar (When I got here it was 8.5 BsF to 1 dollar, it is now about 22-23 BsF per dollar)
  • Killer inflation on anything and everything imported, my favorite wine went from 70 BsF to 144 BsF, peanut butter went from $150 BsF to $250something and a case of beer went form about $150 to $300 BsF.
  • And, though it hasn't effected me personally, Venezuelan crime rates are of the worst in the world. Just so you get an idea the US homicide rate is about 4-5 people in every 100,000 while in Venezuela it is about 73 people per 100,000 and 122 in Caracas. 
And who is Maduro, this countries new "leader?"
  • Well... the man claimed Chavez came and spoke to him in bird form.
  • Not much is known about his background at all (unlike Chavez whose past was very open) and he was a former bus-driver, not a well-educated, informed citizen with the knowledge and capabilities of leading a country.
  • I've already read in news sources that he plans on raising minimum wage, where this money is coming from I don't know and I am not economist but I'm sure this is bound to mess with inflation even more.
  • He denied requests for any formal debate against Caprilles (because lets be honest even he knows he stands no chance regarding anything intellectual) 
  • In a speech he named three different cities and called them states. It's pretty bad when you're president doesn't even know the states of his own country.
And finally, just a short note on the kind of people who support this man and why he even has votes... Dereek and I were talking to someone who works on campus last night and he said he voted for Maduro. When asked why the response was "well Caprilles is gay, he was caught sucking some guys cock." Like come on, really? That is the kind of decision making process that went on in the voting booths yesterday? It completely explains why this country is in the downfall that it is... 

There could be a lot of changes coming soon and I'm just waiting to see how everything goes. I am still planning on staying next year, but of course am following everything very closely because I care for my safety, my students, friends and boyfriends safety all of whom are here. I'm sure that these results are going to cause even more of an exodus of the educated Venezuelans than there already has been...

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