Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer Travel Reading

To get in travel mode I have an extensive list of travel books. I doubt I can get to all of them by the time I leave, but here is the long list I'm attempting. If you've read any or have any other contributions shout it out.

Blessed, Brian - Quest for the Lost World
Bryson, Bill - In a Sunburned Country
                    - The Lost Continent
Butcher, Tim - Blood River
Chatwin, Bruce - In Patagonia
Coelho, Paulo - By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
                       - The Alchemist
Cohen, David - One Year Off
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur - The Lost World and Other Stories
Crouch, Gregory - Enduring Patagonia
Garland, Alex - The Beach
Ghinsberg, Yossi - Jungle: A Harrowing True Story of Survival
Greenwald, Jeff - The Size of the World: Once Around Without Leaving the Ground
Guevara, Che - The Motorcycle Diaries
Hanson, Eric - The Bird Man and the Lap Dancer
Harrer, Heinrich - Seven Years in Tibet
Herndon, William Lewis - Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon
Iyer, Pico - Video Nigh in Kathmandu
                - Wanderlust: Real-Life Tales of Adventure and Romance
Kerouac, Jack - The Dharma Bums
Kohnstamm, Thomas - Do Travel Writers Go to Hell?
Lansing, Alfred - Endurance
Ligato, Richard and Amanda - Wide-Eyed Wanderers
Matthiessen, Peter - The Cloud Forest
Maugham, W. Somerset - The Summing Up
Newby, Eric - A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush
O'Hanion, Redmond - In Trouble Again: A Journey Between the Orinocco and the Amazon
Park, Mungo - Travels in the Interior of Africa
Parris, Matthew - Inca-Kola
Potts, Rolf - Vagabonding
Roberts, Gregory David - Shantaram
Robertson, Ruth - Churun Meru: The Tallest Angel
Salak, Kira - Four Corners: Into the Heart of New Guinea - One Woman's Solo Journey
Smith-Bendell, Maggie - Rabbit Stew and a Penny or Two
Theroux, Paul - Dark Star Safari
                       - The Great Railway Bazaar
Thomsen, Moritz - Living Poor
Weiner, Eric - The Geography of Bliss

Yes, it's an extremely long list. I'm going to read in no particular order, just whatever the library has and I feel like reading at the moment. To begin I picked up The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac and am actually almost done. I'll be crossing books off as I finish.

Mt. Roraima, the point where Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil meet. Also the location of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's book "The Lost World and Other Stories"