Monday, August 12, 2013

First Day of Kindergarten

Today was the first day of kindergarten. It went pretty well, nothing too exciting. I have a total of 7 kids in my class this year, only 5 were here today. Hopefully all will be here soon so that I can get a class picture from the beginning of the year. The morning went very well, the kids are so much more capable of focusing and working through the morning then they were last year. We didn't take a break to go outside at all before lunch (though they did have PE). After lunch though the kids had Spanish and by the time they came back to me they were shot. They all were just dragging and seemed so tired. I suppose a full day is exhausting for them when they're this little. I was proud that everyone made it through the entire day though without tears or asking when we were going home or anything like that.

I have an assistant this year in the afternoons, so it will be a huge help to have her in here with myself and the kids. Even with a small class, when they are all ESL some of them need some extra reinforcing of ideas, which is what I will have her doing in the afternoon once we get farther.

I wish I had more to say, but I have some work to do for this week, and I'd like to get out and run so I'm making this a quick post, but here are some pictures of the classroom and my kids on their first day.

This is my classroom all set up.

View of the calendar and morning message section

The section with class jobs

Closer view of class jobs

I have these cute owl (which is my theme this year) signs with their table numbers hanging over them.

The reading corner with huge bean bag chairs and those are painted bulletin boards. Still thinking what I'll put on them.

The class working hard. They had a much more productive morning than afternoon.

Looking at books on bean bag chairs during SSR

Working on decorating our Bucket Filler and Bucket Dipper posters

Carol's first day of kindergarten.

Dominick's first day of kindergarten. Dominick is my new student, his dad is a teacher from New Jersey and his English is perfect which is great. I have one of these pictures for each of my students.

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