Wednesday, December 12, 2012


This weekend as our Christmas presents to ourselves/each other Dereek and I decided to take a trip to Araya. Araya is a Peninsula that you can access via ferry from the town of Cumana. Cumana is about 3-4 hours away from where we live in Anaco. We left Friday at about 12:30 (I left school early since I don't have classes Fridays after 12) We were on the ferry at probably about 5-5:30. It took about an hour to get across the water to Araya. It was a nice trip since we were on the ferry during sunset.
A boat from the view of the ferry on the way to Araya at sunset.

Once we got there we were met by a friend of the owner of our posada. He was very talkative and gave us ALOT of information (all in Spanish of course, thank god for Dereek) and it was slightly overwhelming. We were taken towards the beach for dinner and ate there. The beach definitely did not look as pretty at night as it did during the day. Being that we were tired and slightly overwhelmed at this point we decided to go to bed early so we could get a good start in the morning. 

The next morning we got coconuts right from the tree at our posada. There was a windsurfing competition going on so we stopped and got some empanadas (for 6 BsF each, this is about 50 cents USD) then headed over there. There was really nothing there besides the windsurfing and no shade so we opted to go back to the private beach that we were allowed to use. We stopped and filled a cooler with beer and headed to the beach. This turned out to be the best decision we could've made. Here is what the private beach looked like. It was owned by an Italian family, but they know the owner of our posada so we were allowed to use it to. The grandsons of the family were fishing while we were there and it was really awesome to sit on the dock, drink some beer and watch them try and catch these really cool looking tropical fish. 
View while sitting on the dock

Fishing poles on the dock

View off the dock again

Blue water and boats

The private beach

Dereek with our cooler leaving the dock

After sitting on the dock, drinking beer and watching the boys try and fish for a while we decided to go for a walk to see this old fort. We walked along the beach and were able to go up into it. The fort was built by the Spanish in the mid-17th century to protect the land that is rich in salt from invaders such as pirates. When we got to the fort we were lucky enough to catch part of the windsurfing/kiteboarding races. The fort was the turn around point for the race so we got to sit on the fort and watch everyone compete.

The fort from the beach

Entering the fort

Panoramic view from the top

Nice view of the water and the town


Windsurfers and pelicans

Old steps leading down towards the water.

After watching the races for a little while we went to the other side of the fort and hung out on the beach there. On the beach we got this jar of seafood that cost 40 BsF. (Less than 4$ USD) We also had a delicious fish lunch while sitting on the beach. The large plates of food below cost 75 BsF and 65 BsF, I believe. Divide everything by 10 and you get about how much it is in dollars. (Or at least the rate that I'm using so I don't get carried away by how cheap everything is...) After lunch we swam and walked back to our posada. On the way we found a lot of these little crab things in the sand. You could see all their little antennas sticking out  with each wave. I caught one and it felt really weird squirming around in my hand. We got back to the dock at the perfect time because it was sunset and had some gorgeous views of the water. 

The tables where we ate lunch

Dereek with our jar of seafoods. There were LOTS of shrimp

Our beach lunch

View on our walk back
Weird little crab antennas

Strange crab thing we caught

Sunset over the dock

Sunset again

When we got back we were given some fish soup and cocktails by the owner of the posada. We went to bed pretty early since we were tired. When we got up we ate some coconuts off the tree. We also discovered this little white cat that liked to eat coconut so we were feeding her and named her coconut. We then went for a short hike with the owner of the posada up the hill to get a good view. We were able to see the beach, the fort and the salt mines. We also stopped at this little house and picked some fruit called anon. I tried it this morning and it was very good. Dereek says its similar to guanabana, but I know this is a useless comparison for anyone who reads this blog since no ones likely even heard of these fruits, let alone tried them. Just for fun I've also added some silly pictures of Dereek washing his hair. With hair like his sometimes he misses some shampoo and rather than getting back into the shower, this was the solution...

Dereek getting our coconut

Cutting it open

Cocnut water with breakfast

The cat that likes coconut

So we named her coconut or coco if you're using Spanish (It's a bilingual cat)

Panaramic from the top of the mountain

I was introduced to a new fruit called anon

The bees really liked it because it was so sweet

View of the fort and our posada


Dereek washing his hair

In a garbage pail


After our hike we spent the morning on the beach before heading home. We had some food and went for a swim then took an interesting boat ride home. There was a group of drunk girls who were offering us shots. They loved Dereek's hair and were talking about us the whole time. I was apparently told that he is "too cute" and I need to take good care of him. Oh, and they had a pig in their bag. Wish I had some pictures of this debacle, but I don't.

Check out the color of this water

Perfect color

Outside of our posada

This is going to be the end of the post just because we are getting ready for our holiday show/party at school right now. I'll try to write about that sometime tomorrow. Then I get home this Saturday!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Iguana in the classroom

Just an update on my past week. First, and most importantly, while we were outside on the playground a couple of days ago Luis told me he had to use the bathroom. It was the end of playtime, but they're 4 so I told him just to go ahead of everyone. He came back while we were lining up. He left the door open and usually I would make him go back and close it, but since we were lining up anyway, I ignored it. Well... that was a bad idea because as soon as the kids walked into the classroom they ran back out screaming my name and that there was an iguana in the classroom. I then had to usher the kids out of the classroom because they wanted to touch it and I'm assuming a trapped iguana would not respond kindly to 10 four-year-olds trying to catch it and the last thing I want to explain to anyone is why one of my children got eaten by an iguana. Once they were outside I had to find Leno (the one matainence worker we have) and he came and caught it using a broom and his hands. It was impressive.
Yes, that is an iguana in my classroom.

Leno with the iguana

Caugt it with only a broom and his bare hands.

Other than the iguana, life has been pretty normal here. We've done lots of Christmas crafts which I will be sure to take pictures of sometime next week and the kids have been kind of crazy. We also found out that we do not have school Wednesday-Friday which is awesome. I'll have a few days to organize and pack before I come home Saturday!

First, I am looking forward to this weekend though. Dereek and I leave tomorrow at 12:30 to go to Araya. It's about three hours away and supposedly has amazing beaches and we'll be there until Sunday. Everyone, expect to be jealous of how tan I am when I come home. =)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Happy December!

Just saying Happy December to everyone and that I'll be home in two weeks!!! This weekend has been pretty uneventful, more or less just stayed in and cooked food with Dereek. I love our dinners, we put on salsa music and drink wine and cook. It's kind of cute. I introduced him to grilled cheese and tomato soup this weekend, but you can't buy tomato soup here so we had to make it from scratch. Came out pretty well.
Our Saturday night meat, tostones and vegetables with red wine 

Homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese! We had to peel sooo many tomatoes for this

Maybe tomorrow I'll try and post some pictures of my classroom. Dereek helped me decorate it this weekend too since I'm too short to reach the ceiling, even when I stand on things. 

We're getting closer to Christmas so in class we're working on Christmas songs to sing during a Christmas show that the PTA puts on after school. We have this show and the parents cook us dinner. I'm starting to feel like class is getting a little more relaxed as it gets closer to the holidays. The kids keep talking about Christmas and honestly, I'm enjoying doing Christmas crafts as well. I'm trying really hard to get the kids to start writing and reading more. It'd be awesome if some of them were reading, I have one girl who already tries to sound out words which is amazing. (Even though it sounded like D-eh-K-eh-Mm-B-eh-RRRR when she tried to sound out december, still pretty good for a 4 year old though.)

We also got the results back from our writing tests. They are all so awful, I'm at a slight loss of what to do. We use the 6+1 traits so the kids have 6 categories each graded out of 6. From everyone grades 3-high school there was one kid, who got a 5 in one category. Everyone was at 4s and below with far more 1s and 2s then I'd want to have seen. What's even more sad is that I showed these results to the director and he just looked at me with a smile and said this is good! They've improved. 

This isn't a very excited update. Really just wanted to complain about the writing abilities of these kids and show off my awesome dinners from this weekend. =) 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Angel Falls

Over Thanksgiving we had a couple of days off so we (myself, Heather, Erin, EMack, Saliha, Sandra and Dereek) decided to take advantage and go to Angel Falls. For those who don't know, Angel Falls is the tallest waterfall in the world. They are about 3,200 ft and are found in Canaima National Park in Venezuela. We left Anaco on Wednesday right after our half day was over and got back on Saturday evening. That's 4 days of traveling, so this will be a long post.

On Wednesday we left Anaco via bus to get to Ciudad Bolivar. It took about 3 hours to get there so since we left at about 2pm, we were there around sunset. This was perfect because as we crossed the Orinoco River into the city we got some gorgeous views from the bus on the bridge. Upon arriving we didn't do very much besides get dinner and go to bed since we had an early start the next day.
The view of the Orinoco River from the bus

I keep forgetting it almost Christmastime, but there was this Christmas tree in our hotel

The next day we got up early and went to the airport in Ciudad Bolivar. We had breakfast there (empanadas, typical Venezuela..) and got on a flight at about 9am. The plane was tiny, only about 20 people fit inside in total including the pilot. I'd never been on a plane that small and the ride there was smoother than I expected (with the exception of the landing). After arriving in Canaima we were transported via truck to our campsite. We were able to put everything in our rooms (myself, Dereek, Erin and EMack in one and Heather, Sandra and Saliha in the other) and explore a bit. Canaima is on a lake with a bunch of waterfalls. The water is really red because of the minerals in the rocks. We had until lunchtime to explore before being taken on our first part of the guided tour. 

Boarding the plane in Ciudad Bolivar

The inside of our little plane

Landed safely in Canaima

The lagoon and waterfalls in Canaima

Three random palm trees

Able to see the red color of the water

The tiniest frog ever!

Later that day after lunch we were taken across the lagoon by our guide. We got to do some hiking, swim at the base of some small falls and go behind some other waterfalls. The views from the hikes were AMAZING. Shockingly, swimming at the base of the waterfall was quite warm. I was expecting it to be freezing, but it was like being in a pool. Going behind the waterfall was awesome. The amount of water that was flowing was incredible and getting to look through the water over the lagoon as the sun was setting gave me the opportunity for some great pictures. 

One of the canoes

The waterfall we got to walk behind

Awesome looking dragonfly


A giant toad that we saw while hiking

The waterfall we got to swim at

Dereek, me, Erin and EMack swimming

Panoramic picture

Nice view from the top of the waterfall

The waterfall we walked behind

Sunset at the waterfall

Looking out from behind the falls

Walking behind the falls

That night we went out for a bit. Some people were dancing, I opted out of dancing on a smokey, empty dance floor for sitting at one of the tables in the sand looking across the lagoon at the waterfalls at night with my drink. It was relaxing, but we went back early since we had to get up very early the next morning to begin out trip. The process to get to Angel Falls is a long one. The first thing we did was take a 5-6 hour boat ride upstream. This would've been much shorter had it been rainy season and the river would've been higher. At some points we all had to get out and push, but mostly it was Dereek and the guides doing all the work. I think Dereek must have some sort of adverse reaction to the word "amigo" after hearing it so often as his call to get out and push the boat. Despite the work it took to get upstream, the views were absolutely amazing. 

In the canoe on our way to the falls

Clouds of the tepui

Dereek helping to push the boat upstream

Continuing on our way, looking much easier than it was.

Very first view of the falls from the canoe

Once we finally got to where we were supposed to, we had about a 45 minute hike up to the falls. We did it pretty quickly since we wanted to have time to see both the lookout and get to swim at the base of the falls. It was a pretty decent hike and lots of older people did it. One of the most impressive was a completely blind and partially deaf man. It was him and one of the guides and they came back well after dark, but he completed the whole thing. I'm still not sure what the gain was since he couldn't see the falls, but nonetheless, I'm really impressed by his determination. 

Hiking to the falls

View from the first lookout

So tall

Me, Erin and Dereek swimming in the cold water at the base of the falls


Dereek and I

After spending some time swimming and admiring the falls we had to walk back down. We had the option of wading across the river or waiting for a canoe to take us across to get to the campsite. Since we were already wet, Dereek and I decided to wade across the river, but everyone else waited for the canoe. Dereek and I were rewarded with some awesome views of the falls before it got dark.

Angel Falls from the campsite across the river

Panoramic picture of the falls

Another nice picture of the falls from across the river

Surprisingly, there were showers, toilets and even a few hours of electricity at the camp. We got to take cold, but refreshing showers, feel clean and then sit down for a delicious chicken dinner that was made there. After dinner there wasn't too much to do so we went and looked at the falls in the dark and then went to sleep in our hammocks. It was kind of chilly and not a way that would be comfortable to sleep every night, but for the one night it was awesome. 
Ucaima camp sign

Our chicken cooking over the fire

The hammocks everyone slept in

Comfy in my hammock

We got up early the next morning to head back down river to the village of Canaima so we could catch our plane out. The ride back down river was much quicker, though Dereek and the guides did have to get out and push a couple of times, one time they had to guide the canoe backwards through some rapids for a bit. I was thoroughly impressed with the crew and learned that the man working the motor had been guiding canoes up and down the river to see the falls for the past 40 years, he obviously knows the riverbed extremely well. The views coming down the river were amazing and we got to see the water evaporating and forming clouds that were rising over the tepuis. Once we got back to camp we didn't do much besides repack, change, do a bit of souvenir shopping and I found puppies! Puppies were the perfect end to the trip. =)

Leaving Angel Falls as the sun rose

Some of the clouds starting to rise of the tepuis

Gorgeous morning

Absolutely stunning

Panoramic pictures were the only way to capture everything

Our guides taking a much needed and deserved break. They were awesome


They tried crawling up my pants. SO CUTE

They made my day. (that's the rainstick I bought at the Canaima camp that I am holding)

Once back we took our flight back to Ciudad Bolivar. (Slightly more bumpy this time.) When we got off the plane and got to the bus station we then had to find our way back to Anaco. First Dereek went by himself to try and find a bus, but because Venezuelans are ridiculous and the authorities are untrustworthy he was stopped because he "looked suspicious." aka they didn't like his long curly hair, or height, or some other stupid reason. After that Erin and I began walking around with him. We found a bus that left at 9pm (about 5 hours later) and one place that would've had buses had Chavez not decided to rent them all out of the day... We got back to our group and were told that for 150 BsF per person (about $15) we'd be able to get a cab from Ciudad Bolivar to Anaco. (Note that Venezuelan cabs are NOT through a company and are just random people who stick taxi stickers to the car, so you have to be careful about getting into them sometimes.) Three girls were originally in one car then yelled they needed a fourth and took one that was going to be in ours and left before our car had really figured out what was going on. With me Dereek and Erin left we started talking to the cab driver and found out that it wasn't 150 BsF per person, but 600 BsF per car... It was only 150 BsF per person if you had four people, and now we had three. When the driver found out that there were three of us and we didn't have 600 BsF (we had lent money to people in the other car who needed it...) he shut off the engine and wasn't going to take us anywhere. Dereek and the driver were arguing and when Dereek found out that the other car was at the gas station he convinced the driver to bring us there to meet him. The driver angrily drove away, sped into traffic to the gas station. Dereek called the girls in the other car asking if they had any extra money at all because if they didn't we were going to be stuck in Ciudad Bolivar (not a safe city at night...) and they said they didn't and kept going. Dereek and the driver argued for a while longer and thanks to Dereek's amazing people skills he managed to explain the situation to the driver and calm him down and convince him to drive us. It was quite a scary experience to watch them both yelling in Spanish, almost being left in a city that we don't know as the sun was going down and seeing the other car of people drive away. The rest of the car ride was pretty uneventful until we got to El Tigre. Suddenly we got off the main road and were driving through little, sketchy looking side streets of El Tigre. Like I had previously mentioned, taxi drivers are just random people, not from a company, so Erin and I got pretty nervous and asked Dereek if he knew where we were. He said he did and said our driver had told him we were going this way because of traffic and how we were getting out. I felt better that Dereek knew where we were, but it was still a sketchy experience because it was definitely not an area where we wanted to be left. Eventually we got back to school and everything was okay, though it cost more to get home than originally planned and I was left with less money then I would've liked. Overall, with the exception of the disaster of trying to get home, it was an amazing trip.